Kl.7   Exercises   3/96

Your name:________________________

I.Some words:

 schön:_______________  Dorf:________________  umziehen:_______________

 Ausrüstung:___________________  sorgen für:___________________________

 verdienen:_____________  gefährlich:________________  immer:____________

 natürlich:______________  Geschenk:_______________  sogar:_____________

 vergessen:____________  Überraschung:________________  kaufen:_________

 verkaufen:_____________  I stay till midnight:_____________________________

II. Fill in:                        and-when-before-but-or-because

 I`m good in tennis __________ I´m not good in riding a horse.

 You can drive to Heilbronn _________ to Stuttgart.

 She must stay in bed ___________ she`s ill.

 _________ we have dinner you must wash your hands.

 I read many books _________ I was in hospital.

 Michael and Philipp play football ________ they are in a football club.

III.  ..............,nicht wahr?
 You are Sally`s sister,_________________?

 He`s fifteen now,________________?

 We`re at school,__________________?

 He plays tennis,________________?

          You live in Eppingen,__________________?
IV. Compare!

 a) Golf-BWM-Porsche (fast)

 b) Golf-BMW-Porsche (expensive) Yoobay.NET Count